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Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.



At Brettenham it is our intention that everyone receives a high-quality English curriculum that will develop children to be imaginative writers, confident communicators and fluent readers.

We recognise that the ability to read and write effectively has direct impact upon attainment on all areas of the curriculum, and also upon a child’s self-esteem, well-being and motivation to learn. It is for this reason that we, as a school, recognise that children need to develop a secure knowledge of the skills in literacy that follows a clear path of progression and builds upon prior knowledge.

At Brettenham, we also recognise that we have a high percentage of EAL (English as an additional language) children. Therefore, our curriculum relies heavily on teaching vocabulary to children to enhance their knowledge of different words.

We also teach English through our termly class books, which are high-quality texts. We make sure that these books will engage children, push their learning on and cover a range of different cultures.

Text Map (Years 3 - 6)


Guided Reading lessons

Within KS1 and KS2, children are expected to complete a daily session of whole class reading which must last at least 30 minutes.

Teachers are responsible for the content and coverage of the lessons to ensure all key reading skills are covered. Lessons are based around the class book for that half-term. Other genres (non-fiction and poetry) are also used within each half-term to ensure that children have access to multiple types of text. 

Text map (years three - six)


At Brettenham, within each week children will work on a new text which they will read on the first day. Particular emphasise is given to learning new vocabulary each week, which will inevitably help to build the pupil's knowledge of words. Each day after this is based on a separate skill within reading; these skills are built up across the week. Friday is the 'Mystery Text' day whereby children will have a brand-new text and will have to apply multiple skills learnt throughout the week. 

See below for a brief outline of a typical week.

It is imperative that children show reading progression within and throughout the years they spend at Brettenham, and that prior learning is retrieved and built upon constantly. Staff at Brettenham use the following reading progression maps to ensure that they takes place. 

Daily Reading - Soft start (8:45am)

During our daily soft start children are expected to bring their home reading books and their Reading Record book in their book bag. This is to be reviewed by the teacher to ensure each child is reading regularly at home and that their Parent/Carer is signing their reading record. This is also a valuable time for the teacher and supporting adults to listen to child read aloud. The teacher can use this time to allow each child to change their book when finished and guide and advise on their future choices. 

Reading for pleasure

At Brettenham we value reading highly and enjoy reading at home. Children take home books of their choice from our school library and from our class book areas. Children are expected to read every day at school and every evening at home. 


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Writing in KS2

At Brettenham we are committed to giving children high-quality writing teaching, which enables children to write for a wide variety of purposes. As a school we follow a 'Talk through Text' strategy which centres around the importance of children being able to practise talking before writing can take place. Also, through this strategy we base our writing on a high-quality text which the class will concentrate on for the half-term. 

Most writing tasks are worked on by the children in two-week blocks. This ensures children have the oracy practice, modelling, self and peer-assessment opportunities that will  ensure children create a high-quality piece of work. There is a high importance placed upon 'oracy practice' as there is a high percentage of EAL children, therefore the more high-quality language they are exposed to, the higher the quality of their writing. Another importance feature of this strategy to giving the children a good example of what is expected of them (WAGOLL) so that children know what they are aiming for. 

All staff follow the 'Talk through Text' plan to ensure all of these skills are covered. 

At Brettenham, we understand that it is essential that prior knowledge is built upon to ensure that learning is embedded, therefore our yearly plans ensure that writing tasks and learning is revisited within and across year groups.

Phonics: Read Write Inc


What is Read Write Inc?

Read Write Inc (RWI) is a phonics complete literacy programme which helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling.  The programme is designed for children aged 4-7. However, we continue to support our children if they are still developing in their reading.

How will RWI be taught?


In Reception all children will learn how to ‘read’ and ‘write’ all of the sounds in Set 1 and then blend these into words. Fred the frog helps the children to blend the sounds together which is then used to help children read. The teachers will often use the phrase ‘fred talk’ to sound out words. 

The children take part in daily lessons and progress to reading books. They also learn how to spell red words (words that cannot be sounded out).

Set 1 Sounds are taught in the following order together with rhymes to help children form the letters correctly and instantly recognise sounds ready for blending.

Year One & Year Two

Children follow the same format as Reception but will work on complex sounds (Set 2 and 3 sounds) and read books appropriate to their reading level. Daily sessions of RWI phonics last for one hour.  Once children become fluent readers they can put all their energy into comprehending what they read. It also aids them to spell effortlessly so that they can focus on composing what they write.

The children are then taught Set 2 Sounds. When they are very confident with all of set 1 and 2 they are taught Set 3 Sounds.

                               set long vowels                                                                                       set 3

Home Reading

All children in EYFS and KS1 are given school books to read at home and there is an expectation that all pupils in EYFS, Y1 and Y2 read at home daily. Reading books are selected so that children take home blending books or reading books containing the sounds that have been taught in school. This gives the children the opportunity to embed the sounds that they have learned and to read with fluency. We ask that the children read their Phonics reading book to you every day. We also ask that the parents continue to read stories to their children to develop a love of storytelling and learn new vocabulary. 

Parent information:

RWI parents handout

Visit the parent pages on the Ruth Miskin Training website go to:

Watch phonics videos using Set 1, 2 & 3 sounds:

Join Ruth Miskin Facebook:

Read Free e-books for home reading:

Use Oxford Owl for more help with Read Write Inc:

We are always happy to help support reading with your child at home. If you would like any more information about supporting your child to read, please ask your child’s class teacher or Mrs Sandhu (KS1) or Miss Conwell (EYFS) who will be more than happy to help.

Additionally, here are some fun phonics games that children can play at home to continue to practice reading.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

The Year 1 phonics screening check is not a formal test, but a way for teachers to ensure that children are making sufficient progress with their phonics skills to read words and that they are on track to become fluent readers who can enjoy reading for pleasure and for learning.

Phonics Screening Check sample materials

Speaking & Listening

Talk for Writing 

At Brettenham we know that at the heart of reading, writing and storytelling first comes speaking. We use the Talk for Writing model to encourage our children to learn and retell stories using actions and ambitious language. We believe that if a child can retell a story well, they will develop into a fantastic story writer! This journey begins in EYFS when the children learn and retell traditional stories using actions for retention. We use story maps, sentence prompts and modelled writing to help show good sentence structure. This journey continues throughout KS1 and KS2. As this develops, children write these well known stories for themselves, by adjusting the narrative and characters to create their own stories. This is such an enjoyable way to learn and the children thoroughly enjoy it!


Click here for the curriculum progression in SPAG